Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Long, long time

It has been awhile since i posted and alot has changed since then.

We did move and I'm proud to say Wattsy and I were on our best behaviour and didn't even pick fights with each other in our stressful state. The day went rather smoothly except for when I stacked it on the front lawn in front of our new landlord, Wattsy's boss and sister Ashlee and her boyfriend JB, I'm pretty sure that was the highlight of everyones day.

Since I wrote last I've become the human Mum to 2 big barking lots dogs who are almost impossible to walk together and who would keep a professinal pooper scooper pretty darn busy, they love nothing more than eating, barking at 3am and being sprayed in the face with the hose.

We've also acquired 2 lovely cats. The first cat Moo was Wattsy's sisters cat and although she's only been with us 6 weeks Ashlee swears that she has put on weight. During the first week we lived at the new house Moo seemed lonely and needy and not her usual independant self, although I say I got our new cat as company for Moo its really a lie- anyone who has talked to me in the last 5 years knows that I have realllly wanted a kitten which is where Lemmiwinks comes into our family- he's a post all on his own!

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